Refocus With Some Goals for Life

I'm kind of at a place with my life where I'm needing to stop, take a deep breath and just take a long look at how I'm living my daily life.  If I don't do this from time to time (regularly really), I find myself going on autopilot and forgetting to live with the intention and passion that help to make life extraordinary.  Instead, it all tends to blend together in a monotonous blur of a blob and I lose a mother, wife, friend, and individual.  

Spent some time with my journal this morning.  A much needed journal journal always brings me back to myself.  My coffee and compliant children make it an even more fulfilling moment.  

Some of my big goals for this week, next week, and probably the weeks after that:

*  Be Fully present and in the moment...especially with my kids
*  Get down to their level (my kids') and Play!  Get lost in PLAY--even if only for 10-15 minutes.  Remember what it is like to just play.
*  Eat Well...lots of plant based foods.
*  Running--Stay mentally focused on goals.  But don't make running take priority over my family and role as a mother and wife. Remember what is MOST important
*  Work on my writing--develop my character for my Children's book.  believe and achieve!  Set a date to send to publishers.

*  Write--Rewrite--Write--Rewrite--Tweek...Writing Children's stuff is hard...and hard to find the time to hard to find quiet time for me these days where i have a large chunk of time to just sit down and focus.  Nights don't count because I'm exhausted by then.  
*  Pray. Meditate.  Be with God and open my heart.
*  Focus on one thing longer than 5 minutes!!!  Get a grip on my mommy ADD.
*  Finish my book club book.  Gee, it must have really sucked to be a nun in the 1500's.  uggg. 

*  Being my house all day with Energetic kids who want to run, jump, tear around, scream, dance....can drive me batty.  Trying to let go of control and find ways to relax and forget about the constant unraveling of my house.
*  Model Appropriate ways to react to stress.  Breathe deep and try not to yell.  
*  Remember that my oldest is only 5 years old.  Stop expecting her to act like an adult..she is still a kid.  Realize that after watching Air Bender (cartoon version) with her daddy, she really was trying to bend water in the bath tub and not intending on flooding the floors.  She got lost in the 5 year old moment of water bending practice.  Bless her little heart.
*  Read all of the books, magazines and articles that I have on my table...get off the blog reading for a bit more.  
*  Keep the computer closed for large chunks of the day and focus on being in the moment with my kids...This life...not getting sucked into the computer.  A time and a place....set a time to give to e-mail, blog reading, facebook or whatever it happens to be and give that time and then get off.  Otherwise, all the little checks throughout the day add up to more than I realize!  This is important to me and being in the moment. 

Hope this week is Blessed!  What are some of your goals with life, parenthood, running or whatever?  I'd love to hear!  


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