Fairy Magic

When I started this blog two months ago, I had intended it to be an outlet for me to express myself and write often, but I also wanted it to have a focus so that I could write with intention and build a community of readers that I could connect with and relate to.  I had intended to make it a balance of writing about running and motherhood.  I think I've done an okay job of writing about a variety of topics but I have not given as much attention to the motherhood aspect of my blog and so I thought it might be time include a few posts about some of fun stuff we do around here.  I know that most of my "readers", "friends", "followers"  (or whatever you want to call my blog community)  are fellow runners who write running blogs.  I hope I don't scare you away with my motherhood blogs that I throw in here. Please don't stop reading....I promise to write more running and non-mommy/kid blogs too!  

I believe that childhood should be magical.  I believe that kids should believe in dreams and all that comes with it for as long as possible.  I believe in the unbelievable.  I believe in helping my kids to believe that anything is possible and anything can be.  

Shel Silverstein says it best:  

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

The Jewel Fairy 

Around our house you will surely find plenty of this:

These are the various collection of "fairy jewels" that my girls have around the house.  They believe that fairies really do live around us and they continue to look for them...in flowers, trees, around our house, and even in the bookstore on occasion.  

One of the exciting events in our house is having the Jewel Fairy come visit!  Now, I'm not exactly sure how the Jewel Fairy came to be but I think it happened on a day that I was just bored and felt like spicing things up.  The first time the Jewel Fairy came to visit started with me just telling the girls to run to their room and close the door because I was going to do a special Jewel Fairy dance and song and if we were lucky, she would leave jewels under our Japanese Maple Tree.  They giggled and ran to their room while I stomped around the house and made some silly noises, and sprinkled plastic and glass jewels under the tree.  When I was done with my noise making and jewel sprinkling, I called them out to see the magic delivery!  It was great fun.  The smiles on their wide eyed faces told me that this would be happening again. And Again.  Sure enough, they never stopped asking.  "When will the Jewel Fairy come again Mama?!"  I had to tell them that she only comes on occasion and not just when we want because she has other jewels to deliver.  I will be sad when they stop asking for the Jewel Fairy.  It has become part of the magic of their childhood.  I hope they at least pretend to believe for a long long time.   

At the beginning of the holiday season, we had a jewel fairy play date where four other girls came for a visit and a jewel fairy experience.  Since it was  close to Christmas, I went to the craft store and bought some Christmas colored "jewels". I mean the fairy brought Christmas jewels of course. Gosh, I hope my kids are not precocious enough to be reading this blog yet.  Anyway, they looked like this:

I also bought a package of these little bags for the girls to keep their new found jewels in.  

Here is the magic Fairy Tree where she always delivers the jewels

The Jewel Fairy Playdate Crew

Fairy Houses

I'm convinced that just a simple cardboard box can have limitless possibilities.  After watching Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy Rescue, the third Tinker Bell movie, the girls were inspired to build their own fairy house in hopes that the fairies would come live with us.  We still have this fairy house outside our front door and I'm convinced that they really do come to visit from time to time.  

Fairy Parties

Here are just a few snapshots from my daughter's 3 year old Fairy party.  This party will be a new post someday.  So much fun and magical indeed!  

And here is our favorite of all our cardboard box creations!  

How about a Hodge Podge of questions to choose one from!  Even if this post made you vomit and want to fairy gag yourself!  

1. Have I scared you away from reading my blog yet?  Hope not. 

2.  Do your kids believe in fairies or other imaginary creatures?  

3.  What are your favorite uses for cardboard boxes?  

4.  What do you think is one of the best parts of childhood?  

5.  Did you have a "magical" Childhood?  For me, I guess this depends on what you would consider magical.  Since we were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses (disclaimer:  I am no longer part of this religion or anything similar.  Glad too), we were not allowed to celebrate holidays, birthdays, or believe in anything remotely magical.  I had a wild imagination though!  


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