Garmin Virgin and Time For Books!

Just a quickie  post (do you like how I've used the word quickie and virgin in just the first several words of this post?) before I close the computer so I can use this designated mommy/kid quiet time for some reading.  I've found that since I started this blog, I don't get nearly enough reading fit in my many books just stacked up here collecting dust.  My most recent goal is to actually get into a study/reading mode and devote a solid stretch of time to just reading, taking notes, learning from my books, and escaping in a good story (usually my book club book).  I definitely enjoy all the blog reading that I've been doing but I realize that I need a balanced literary life and that means getting off the blogs and into some good ol' books!

I'll get to the Garmin Virgin part in a minute.

Here is what is on the reading list for the next hoping for 2 hours.  Yeah right, between my Mommy ADHD and the many interruptions from these little people wanting their every need met by ME, I am not so sure what will be accomplished.  But I have high hopes.  Oh, speaking of that ADD (and ADHD), as I was saying....Here is my reading list for this week:

1.  Brain Training for Runners.  Loving it so far!  I started it last night and everything I have read so far is great!  Thanks for the recommendation Jill!  This just might be what I use for my next marathon plan.  In addition to accounting for all the important components of a training program, it also accounts for drills to help train the brain/body to improve and change running form, which as many of you know, can be a hard thing to change.


2.  Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunant (Book Club Book for this month).  I will finish the book this month. I will.  I will.  I will not be a Book Club slacker.  And I will bring thoughtful and reflective conversation to share about the book.  I have high hopes for this month and getting a grip on my book club slacker self.


3.  My Garmin 205 Manual.  So much to Learn.  Here are a few lessons I've learned already:

  *  You are in control of your Garmin.  Your Garmin does not control you.

  *   Do NOT look at your Garmin every 2 seconds or you will slow down! And you will look like a fool doing it.

    *  Try to forget that the Garmin is there.  You will run much better if you allow yourself to just settle into your natural rhythm without worrying about what pace you are running.  

*  This brings me to figuring out how to set up my Garmin so that it automatically records/has a lap set of every mile.  I know it should be able to do something like this?  And I think it should be able to alert me with a sound at every mile.  This will help me to just let go of the constant checking.  

*  The Run will be much better if I just allow myself to relax and run like I know how to run.  I can look at the Garmin stats later.  I've been doing just fine with my running without a Garmin so no need to let it totally mess up my mojo!  

Off to get some reading done!  Thankful for this  quiet time carved into my day!  

1.  What is on your current reading list other than blogs?  

2.  Do you have a Garmin?  If so, was there a learning curve for you when you first started running with it?


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